Track 7

Experimentation, Analysis, Assessment, and Metrics

Chair: Luc Pigeon

(in order of presentation)

T7-059 paper presentation

Richard Ellis, Paul Wise, Dr Jim Hill

Development and Deployment of a Headquarters Maturity Model - A Case Study


T7-030 paper presentation

Wesley McTernan, Alex Kalloniatis, Sebastian Tsui  

MURA Snapshot: Development of a Sociotechnical Survey Tool for Headquarters Assessment  


T7-020 paper presentation

Daniel Salmond

Information Theoretic Measures for Command and Control:

Influenceability, Understanding and Intentionality


T7-055 paper presentation

Ulrik Spak  and Isabell Andersson 

Modelling command and control: transferring features of the individual to the organization 


T7-027 paper presentation

 Niels Alston,  Alexander Kalloniatis, Cameron Bowles

 Augmented C2 Efficacy Assessment Using Digital Data 


T7-039 paper presentation

 Justine Caylor and  Adrienne Raglin 

 Multi-Criteria Decision Making for Uncertainty of Information 


T7-004 paper presentation

Martin Schüler

Planning for Safety when Preparing for War:                                

Competition Brings Out the Wickedness of the Military


T7-053 paper presentation

Patrick Turner,  Andrew Leggatt,  Gary Smith 

Bridging the gap between desktop-based C2 research and large-scale C2 experimentation 


T7-019 paper presentation

Jerzy Jarmasz, Michael Thomson, Jonathan Fugelsang, Evan Risko

A Data Collection Approach for Evaluating National Security Collective Training Events


T7-022 paper presentation

Nico Bau, Jonathan Cawalla, Fahrettin Gökgöz, Manisha Panda, Hans-Christian Schmitz, Sebastian Stucken

Intelligent Situational Awareness: Experimental Framework for Command and ControlTechnology